V15.1.12 (Beta)

  • Fix crash in EventInfo view
  • Remove shortcut for Toggle – Favorite colliding with Search Indexer – Search in file
  • Allow creating inline var in Convert with statement
  • Add option to always use Default for uses clause sorting
  • Restore showing images during popup
  • Add option to allow MMX actions on IDE toolbars (was always active before, but significantly increases the load time on Delphi 11+)
  • Readme file is now version agnostic
  • Add missing step 5 in installation guide
  • Better support of generics in Show Related Classes
  • Allow selection of Delphi versions in setup
  • Add unit to implementation checks whether the unit already in interface
  • Add unit detects units even when unit scope names are absent


  • Fix endless loop with interposer classes
  • Show only valid identifiers in Find Identifier
  • Fix Convert to const error
  • Remove VC and CodeGear references in hint
  • Auto Start Source Indexer only when visible
  • Skip adding section keyword if it exists in the following line
  • Fix parsing error on external procedures
  • Fix wrong mapping in Calling Convention


  • Fix alignment glitch in Source Indexer Scan Options
  • Fix System Error when closing a Source Indexer tab
  • Fix some context menu items in Source Indexer not working
  • Fix tab order in Procedure editor
  • Hide selection in parameter edit when disabled
  • Command ModelMaker Code Explorer now focuses explorer window
  • Paste virtual methods into a derived class now makes them override even if source is in a different unit
  • New indent option in Surround Templates to place compiler directives on column 1 (see Delphi’s Object Pascal Style Guide)
  • New option to move the cursor over the default button of MMX modal forms


  • Catch AV on MMX showing when layout changes
  • Catch errors in Unit Dependency Analyzer Refresh
  • Unit Dependency Analyzer takes code from edit buffer if available
  • Execute Source Indexer if AutoScan is enabled
  • Fix High DPI problem in Source Indexer
  • Nested classes are no longer stored in Known Modules Cache causing strange units added to uses clause.
  • In Use Unit, if only one file matches the filter, it is selected
  • MMX forms follow the IDE when it has moved to another monitor


  • Fix breaking interface change causing error in Delphi 11 and 11.1
  • Group class properties like class methods
  • Fix cut off text in Extract Method dialog
  • Make IntelliReplace Rename dialog a bit wider to cope with new font size
  • Update VirtualTreeView
  • Support for Delphi 11.3


  • Class Editor opens faster with large numbers of known classes and interfaces
  • Action List ShortCut Wizard now shows controls name instead of action lists name
  • An empty Related Classes form is now scaled correctly
  • Align Code form is now scaled correctly
  • Align Code form allows to align by a Comma
  • Correct MMX icon in Views menu
  • Use Unit now shows all found units even when no project is active
  • There is also a fix for a display issue on the tip-of-the-day panel under RDP, which I could not verify yet.