I am very pleased to announce that as of today I am going to take over the award winning ModelMaker Code Explorer™ from ModeMaker Tools BV.
For over two decades ModelMaker Code Explorer™ is still an indispensable add-on to the Delphi IDE for numerous developers. Speaking for myself, a Delphi installation is simply incomplete without MMX. The benefit in using it always outweighed the price of this tool in magnitudes.
With ModelMaker Tools BV concentrating on its Mind Mapping tool SimpleMind, further development and distribution of MMX is now completely in my hands. To emphasize the movement away from ModelMaker Tools BV there will be a slight change in the name: ModelMaker Code Explorer™ will become MMX Code Explorer from now on, still shortened as MMX.
As a first and probably widely welcomed benefit MMX will be available for free with immediate effect. This allows even all hobbyist developers with a tight budget to make use of this tool. MMX will nevertheless stay closed source, though.
The first free release 13.0 is more or less the same as the current commercial release 12.3 in regard to functionality with all the licensing removed and (hopefully) all references to ModelMaker Tools BV changed to new targets.
Alas, the Delphi 5 and 6 versions didn’t make it into this transition, as they would have required too much special treatment. The current release thus supports Delphi 7, Delphi 2007 – 2010, Delphi XE – XE8, Delphi 10 Seattle, Delphi 10.1 Berlin and Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
My plans for the coming releases are mostly:
- cleaning up the code base (f.i. remove all C# related code)
- restructuring the code while removing dependencies where possible
(we all have our own ideas when it comes to architecture, don’t we?) - updating the documentation and examples (videos)
- supporting new Delphi releases (goal is from day one on if not even beta)
- better support of newer language features
- implementing some ideas I collected over the last years
I am not going to conceal that this will most likely lead to drop support for older Delphi versions in favor of making maintenance easier. The latest MMX supporting those retired versions will nevertheless be available for download even after that.
Finally I want to say a big THANK YOU to Gerrit Beuze from ModelMaker Tools BV for his generosity and invaluable support in the past and during this transition.
Will MMX live long and prosper!